Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Kammy! We love you so much. We can't get over that you are two years old. Boy, where has the time gone? It just seems like yesterday that we were bringing you home from the hospital. You are such a little person now with such a big personality. It is amazing all of the things that you have learned this past year...from merely walking to singing your ABC's! We look forward to the coming year to watch you grow and learn even more.
We love you Princess!

Kam enjoying her cake. She really liked the ice cream...just like her mommy.

Kamryn feeding her new baby kitten that she got from Grammi and Papa. Below are pictures of Kamryn over the past couple of years. It amazes me how fast my babies have grown up.

What a beautiful baby girl you were! All that dark hair that is now blonde.

My last picture just days before you were born.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

NO MORE CURLS!!! Yesterday Karson decided that he wanted his hair cut. So I asked him what kind of haircut he wanted and he said that he wanted to look like dad (well for those of you that don't know Kerry he shaves his head so he doesn't have much hair). I asked him "Are you sure you want to do that?" Karson responsed "I want to look just like my dad." (Isn't that cute?) So with a little convincing I told Kerry to not cut it that short. We decided that a number 4 razor would do the job. Kerry was the lucky one to cut the curls (I am glad that I didn't have to do it).
Karson looks so different...a lot older. My baby is growing up way too fast!