Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Karson's preschool class went the farm for a field trip today. Kerry had to work so I decided to take Kamryn with and boy did she love it (you will be able to tell by the pictures posted below). We had a great time and there wasn't too much mud!

Karson, unlike Kamryn wasn't too sure about some of the animals on the farm. He kept his distance most of the time.

Kamryn also liking the goat. I would swear she could live on a farm.

Kamryn loving the kitty.

Kamryn loved the calves...what am I saying she loved everything.

Look at that mud puddle? Doesn't that look like fun? I can just hear them now!

Karson giving Kamryn a ride in his hummer. Kamryn like any child loves to be outside so she will stand at the back door and say "out, out" and then when we do go out she loves to ride in the hummer so she will say "ride, ride" until Karson (unwilling that is) gives her a ride. It is just too cute.

Kamryn going down the slide at Grandma and Grandpa Lindsay's house. She loves to climb on everything in site.

Happy 4th Birthday to Karson! Yes, I know it is past his birthday but boy does life get crazy. We are so proud of him. It seems as if I just brought him home from hospital yesterday. Does time fly or what!! Anyways, we had a great time with both sets of grandparents and cousin Avery.